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Oil & Gas: Companies: Processing

Companies which conduct refining and processing of oil and gas.


  • Premcor Inc. - A large independent oil refiner and marketer operating in the central United States with one Texas Gulf Coast refinery and three Midwest refineries representing over 540,000 barrels per day of crude oil throughput capacity.
  • Rentech Inc. - Gas to liquid and natural gas conversion technology for carbon-bearing materials, iron-based catalysts, oil, and coal bed methane, based in Denver, Colorado. Publicly traded company.
  • Simtronics Dynamic Process Training Simulators - Dynamic Training Simulators for the Process Industry and Vocational, Technical, and PolyTechnic Schools. Our simulation training tools are PC-based, easy to use and very affordable.
  • SK Corporation NIR Plus - Quality analysis, control and real time process optimization by technology based on near-infrared spectroscopy combined with oil refinery and petrochemical process applications.
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 Alrashid Cyber Mall, member of The Saudi Network, Trade and business informations and links to Saudi arabia, arabian gulf and middle east area.
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The Saudi Network, Trade and business information and links to
Saudi Arabia, Arabian Gulf and Middle East Area.

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